The Headquarters for American Hand to Hand Combat
Testimonials of Current and Former Students​​
John Andrianu
Shodan KKCMA
Koden Kan has had a profound impact on my life and has played a crucial role in shaping me into the person I am today. I am extremely grateful to Professor Foley for imparting upon me the valuable lessons and knowledge that have helped me excel in every aspect of my life. From a young age, Professor Foley instilled in me a strong desire to pursue excellence and to always strive for success. His guidance and mentorship played a key role in my decision to pursue a career in medicine, and I am thrilled to have been accepted into the highly renowned University of Washington School of Medicine, recently ranked #6 in the world. In addition to my studies, I have also been fortunate enough to receive full-ride scholarships from both the Army and Navy, and I am proud to have been promoted to Commander at the Officer Development School. I have also been heavily involved in the Navy ROTC program at the University of Idaho, where I have had the opportunity to engage in intense physical training and field operations, including mountain warfare and land navigation. I have consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills and have earned the respect of my peers and superiors alike, with my squad being named the "Death Dealers" and having the highest kill count with zero casualties. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work closely with the head Commander of the Marines, who personally reached out to me and expressed an interest in my further advancement within the Naval Special Warfare/SEALs community. All of these achievements are a testament to Professor Foley's unwavering support and guidance, and I am deeply grateful to him for helping me reach my full potential. I will always hold Koden Kan close to my heart and will continue to work hard to live up to the expectations set by Professor Foley. I am confident that with his guidance and mentorship, I will continue to excel in all areas of my life and make a positive impact on the world around me. The video below is intended to demonstrate those principles for the novice as well as the experienced student of martial arts. Careful observation will show how much effort is put into the training to achieve this level of physical, mental and spiritual excellence in a very real sense. Call today for a reservation in our two free introductory classes and begin a solid change in the direction of your life and overall fitness of your complete being. Koden Kan Combined Martial Arts does so much more for the practitioners than just teaching blocking, punching, and kicking! Usaah!!
Brian Crain
Nidan KKCMA / Shodan Escrima
My initial experience with Koden Kan Combined Martial Arts was not intended to benefit myself. I started attending classes in order to introduce my thirteen year-old daughter to martial arts. I had taken martial arts as a kid and had fond memories and wanted to give her the opportunity to experience the same. My daughter was a ballet dancer and had good hand eye coordination, and I had my childhood martial arts experience. We both enjoyed the early classes and found that we were starting to have much more in-common with each other than we had in the past. We would chat about techniques and forms on the drive to class then complain about how tired we were on the way home. Over time I became much stronger and more balanced and her confidence started to thrive. At that time I was very busy with my profession music career and I looked for an easy way to bow out and let her shine in martial arts. But after every new belt I found a new love for KKCMA, and connected more deeply with my daughter. She thrived in class for over four years then eventually went on to receive a college scholarship for pole-vaulting. My daughter attributes much of her success to the mental and physical prowess gained in KKCMA. I am continuing my martial arts and have received my second degree black belt in KKCMA and first degree in Sinko-Set Escrima. I can say with full confidence that I am stronger, more confident, and able to protect myself and my family in most situations. But the most important aspect of my training is the deep connection with my daughter and knowing that she can handle most situations and has the confidence to take on and achieve her dreams.